Registration Decal Shortage
Due to a supply chain issue with the vendor that produces ‘24’ registration decals, there is a delay in mailing registrations with decals to customers who renew online or by mail, possibly taking up to 20-24 business days to receive them. For customers who do not receive the new registration before the current one expires, the online renewal confirmation can be printed as proof of renewal.
Law enforcement and inspection stations have been notified of this delay. Customers that renew online will receive the following message on the summary page of their confirmation email:
Due to a supply chain issue with our vendor, the mailing of your Certificate of Registration and expiration decal will be delayed. Please expect the Certificate of Registration and Expiration decal to be mailed within 20-24 business days. At the end of this online transaction, you will receive an email confirmation showing your transaction was successful and your registration will be ACTIVE in the RMV system.
You can print and carry the confirmation email in your vehicle as proof of renewal, if needed.
Revised Road Test Applications and Information Sheet
Beginning Monday, May 2nd, all applicants for a Class D Road Test need to bring their own vehicle that meets the RMV’s requirements.
As a reminder, the use of face coverings is strongly encouraged, but not required, for all vehicle occupants during the road test.
The Class D or M Road Test Application (RDT103) and the Class D and M Road Test Information Sheet (RDT101) have both been revised. The revised versions have a date of “0522” in the bottom right corner and will soon be available online.
Changes to the Road Test Application
- Alterations have been made to the sponsor and grading sections.
- Sponsors must now print their names and identify if they are a licensed driving instructor.
- Examiners now have a section to notate added or deleted restrictions.
Changes to the Information Sheet
- Edits have been made to support the change to private cars and to assist with addressing some common problems.
- Sections F and G have been modified to advise customers of specific scenarios that will prevent their test from moving forward.